Find out more how every Kairos child thrives by completing a “Find Out More” form at the bottom (or just give us a call at 011 646 6221).

Founding teacher and head, Marc Loon has experience teaching children of all ages, from two until adulthood. This includes four years as a class teacher at Michael Mount Waldorf School and four years as founder and programme manager of the Life Skills Programme at CIDA City Campus. He has two Masters degrees (Management and Engineering), a Waldorf teaching qualification from the esteemed Emerson College, UK, and has diverse experience in various educational modalities. He has served as Centre Director and co-founder of Jo’burg branch of Boys to Men, an international mentoring network for boys. He was awarded the NAPTOSA award of “Best Overall Student” during his PGCE (Wits), and has received Firsts in three M.Ed courses (Wits).

“This morning I once again felt validated in the choice we made for my daughter’s school.”

— Kairos Parent

“Fun, play, creativity and constant learning finds a mix with real empathy.”

— Kairos Parent

“Kairos School is unique in what it offers.”

— Kairos Parent

“You and your staff can be extremely proud of producing a young man of D’s calibre…”

— Paul Edey, St Johns principal

“Strong, inquiring, mind-minded individuals with heart = Kairosians! “

— Kairos parent

“The relative ease with which our two older boys have coped with the obstacles the COVID-19 pandemic brought for all of us, is to a very large extent due to the foundation they received at Kairos…”

— Kairos parent

“…highly skilled teachers…”

— Kairos Parent

“My child is so happy… I feel like I have my little girl back!”

— Kairos Parent

“Certainly the most innovative and nurturing primary school in Joburg!”

— Kairos Parent

“I’ve not seen the personal care received here anywhere else.”

— Kairos Parent