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At the end of last term, the junior group went on an outing to the Parkview Library down the road.
We took a walk through our beautiful neighborhood and as we arrived there, Sue, the librarian, showed us around the children’s section and told us how to choose a book, how to put it back in the right place, and how to care for books. 

We then settled into cushions and chairs while Sue read us some lovely stories.

After completing an Easter craft with the lovely staff, we all got to choose a book to take home for a few days. 
Of course, we also needed some time to have a snack and play on the jungle gym outside. 

Now we know how the library works and how to always care for our storybooks.

“This morning I once again felt validated in the choice we made for my daughter’s school.”

— Kairos Parent

“Fun, play, creativity and constant learning finds a mix with real empathy.”

— Kairos Parent

“Kairos School is unique in what it offers.”

— Kairos Parent

“You and your staff can be extremely proud of producing a young man of D’s calibre…”

— Paul Edey, St Johns principal

“Strong, inquiring, mind-minded individuals with heart = Kairosians! “

— Kairos parent

“The relative ease with which our two older boys have coped with the obstacles the COVID-19 pandemic brought for all of us, is to a very large extent due to the foundation they received at Kairos…”

— Kairos parent

“…highly skilled teachers…”

— Kairos Parent

“My child is so happy… I feel like I have my little girl back!”

— Kairos Parent

“Certainly the most innovative and nurturing primary school in Joburg!”

— Kairos Parent

“I’ve not seen the personal care received here anywhere else.”

— Kairos Parent